Braces On Me
It has been 1 year++ since I'm wearing my braces 😁 The exact date was on 1st December 2020. I do have intention to wear braces since secondary school. Well, sad but true I'm student and don't have money haha. There is main reason WHY I nak pakai braces because gigi bawah I jarang and semakin jarang and slightly menyenget. I decide to wear after I've confirm the hukum, this is one of the reason I always put on hold my journey to wear braces. If anyone curious about the hukum, there you go Hukum Memakai Braces . Basically, braces is not something you wear to make you beautiful. It's something you wear to fix the tooth position in your mouth.
Firstly, I do survey on few clinic nearest to me and decided to proceed at Klinik Pergigian Aidentist, Shah Alam. What I love the most about the clinic is their environment. All staffs are very friendly and helpful. I call the clinic to set my first appointment with them for braces. Oh ya, there are two types of braces which one is conventional braces and another one is self-ligating braces. What I've been informed by the dentist, self-ligating is a bit pricey, less pain and the duration also faster than conventional braces. And, Conventional braces is a normal braces that we used to see people wore it with color band. I choose the conventional braces btw.
The cost is RM5,550. First visit, I cuma bayar RM350 untuk Impression, Scaling & Polishing, X-Ray and photos. Consultation is free of charge ya 😉 Second visit, the clinic call "Bonding" which the first day pakai braces and this day I paid another RM500. Third visit is the "Review" after one month dah pakai braces and this day I paid another RM500. The forth visit and seterusnya hanya RM200 per month. As per dentist review, the estimation berapa lama I kene pakai braces is 2 years or 2 years++ depends on gigi bagi kerjasama yang baik atau tak la.
Sakit?? It's subjective 😆😆 For me yes sakit at first 3 months but after that dah biasa dah. For people yang jarang berlapar mcm I, struggle sikit untuk tahan lapar because you can't eat like normal bila tengah sakit gigi. Bubur, yogurt, susu is my food bila tengah sakit gigi. But worry not, ini earlier stage only, after that you can handle your pain very well. Just my 2 cents, jangan paksa makan yang kene kunyah-kunyah sangat bila tengah sakit gigi if you taknak menyesal di kemudian hari sebab gigi akan jadi lebih sakit.
So anyone yang nak pakai braces, please go now. Its worth it!
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