Braces On Me

It has been 1 year++ since I'm wearing my braces 😁 The exact date was on 1st December 2020. I do have intention to wear braces since secondary school. Well, sad but true I'm student and don't have money haha. There is main reason WHY I nak pakai braces because gigi bawah I jarang and semakin jarang and slightly menyenget. I decide to wear after I've confirm the hukum, this is one of the reason I always put on hold my journey to wear braces. If anyone curious about the hukum, there you go Hukum Memakai Braces . Basically, braces is not something you wear to make you beautiful. It's something you wear to fix the tooth position in your mouth. Firstly, I do survey on few clinic nearest to me and decided to proceed at Klinik Pergigian Aidentist, Shah Alam. What I love the most about the clinic is their environment. All staffs are very friendly and helpful. I call the clinic to set my first appointment with them for braces. Oh ya, there are two types of braces which ...